Coming soon in the Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement: Brandeis alumna Lizbeth Sandoval collaborates with COMPACT Associate Director and Community Engaged Scholars Program Advisor Dr. Megan Moran, Brandeis University PhD candidate Kaile Jamieson, COMPACT Senior Program Coordinator Tony Thein, and COMPACT Center Director Dr. Sara Shostak, Professor of Sociology and Health: Science, Society, and Policy, on a groundbreaking Project with Promise article. With IRB approval, their research examines the transformative impact of the Melody Mentors initiative, exploring effective strategies for protecting musical cultural heritage through university-community partnerships. The article presents early impact assessments of this innovative music education program, details sustainable frameworks for long-term community engagement, and offers evidence-based recommendations for institutions committed to preserving musical traditions. Drawing from their combined expertise in sociology, community engagement, and music education, the authors provide valuable insights into fostering meaningful connections between academic institutions and local communities while safeguarding cultural heritage through participatory music programs.